KSA has recently supplied an AKSA Twin Power solution AD1420 (2x710 kVA ) to power up Bitola Stadium football stadium in Bitola, North Macedonia - this is the home of FK Pelister. Officially the Republic of North Macedonia, this is a country in Southeast Europe. It gained independence in 1991 as one of the successor states of Yugoslavia. It is a landlocked country bordering Kosovo to the northwest with Serbia to the north.
Northern Macedonia’s Bitola stadium is divided into two stands: North, which consists of 2,500 seats among which is the press box along with the team pads, and the South, which consists mainly of the Pelister supporters and seats about 5,000 people. The Twin Power Series of genset installed here offers solutions for use in many different sectors such as hospitals, airports, banks, data centres, as well as many other areas with more critical importance, such as construction sites outside city centres, agricultural areas, and oil and gas sites far from the grid.
The new Twin Power Series offers flexibility and performance, reports AKSA. With two gensets under one hood, the genset ensures backup and reliability twice. The two engines work, in synchronization and back2back mode, which ensures the 24/7 power supply. The centralised control and monitoring system enables easy startup and commissioning. The genset provides the customer with major savings in total investment and operating cost benefits, reports AKSA.