SunCable's Australia-Asia PowerLink is a renewable generation and transmission project that aims to build a brighter, more sustainable future for Australian people and businesses.
This month Cummins Inc. has launched Project Unity, a collaborative effort with Holtex and the University of Manchester to develop an advanced digital tool aimed at improving the design and durability of components used in hydrogen-fuelled powertrains.
A 26 MW offshore wind turbine has been manufactured by China’s Dongfang Electric Corporation in Fuzhou, Fujian Province in eastern China. DEC says the new offshore WTG is the world’s largest in both capacity and size.
Approximately 600 million people across Africa do not have access to reliable power, and while the continent contributes to the global need for energy, ...
Liebherr and Bruno Generators Group have announced that they will join forces to investigate the feasibility of green ammonia as the principal fuel for low and zero emission power generation solutions for mining.
Invenergy, North America’s largest privately held renewable power generation company, has completed its 50MW El Sol Energy Storage Center, Invenergy’s tenth finished battery energy storage project in the Grand Canyon State since the start of 2023.