ecc Alte alternators - ECO43 VL4 - ECO46 1L4A – were key components of a recent contract supplied to a refinery in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.  COELMO was involved in the design, production, installation and commissioning of two 1250 and 1600 kVA Coelmo Generating Sets in ESP, 50Hz, 400 V, 1500 rpm supplied to the Refinery. These are equipped with: Baudouin Engine 12M33G1250/5 - 16M33G1700/5; Mecc Alte alternators ECO43 VL4 - ECO46 1L4A;  40 ft container, 85 dB(A) 1 m; Automatic control panel with remote start; Fire detection and CO2 extinguishing system; and 2,500 and 3,000-litre external fuel tank.

      The Baudouin 12M33G1250/5 engine is currently the smallest engine from the 12M33 range nonetheless it is still a powerful engine. The engine comes with a turbocharger and air- to-air aftercooler and it is currently manufactured in France and China. The 12-cylinder engine is set up to run at 50 Hz and comes with mechanical pump fuel injection system.

This 12M33G1250/5 Baudouin Engine produces 1485.9 horsepower (1108 kWm) when running at 1500 RPM and has a total displacement of 39.2-litres. The engine is available for use in diesel generators at Prime (PRP) or Standby (ESP) ratings. The Baudouin 12M33G1250/5 fuel consumption depends on its load. At 1500 rpm prime power it is has the following fuel consumption (percent of prime power): At 50% it uses 119.3 litres/hr. At 75% it uses 175 litres/hr. At 100% it uses 236.2 litres/hr. At Emergency Standby Power it uses 262.4 litres/hr.

The dimensions of this Baudouin Diesel Engine are 3511mm in length, 2192mm in width and 2246mm in height and a (dry) weight of 4395kg (all measurements including the radiator). The cylinders have a bore of 150mm and stroke of 185mm. This large engine can be coupled with an alternator to create a powerful diesel generator which can be used for power generation in multiple industries. If a greater power output is required the generators could be placed in parallel increasing the total power output.

  The Baudouin 16M33G1700/5 engine is currently the smallest engine from the 16M33 range however that's not to say it isn't a powerful engine. The engine is turbocharged and makes use of an air to water after cooler. It has a cast iron cylinder block and cylinder liners with separate cast iron cylinder valves with 4 valves. The 16-cylinder, 50 Hz engine comes with a high-pressure common rail fuel injection system with one high pressure pump which drives in the V angle of the cylinder block. This powerful diesel engine is made in France and China. This 16M33G1700/5 Baudouin Engine produces 2051.7 horsepower (1530 kWm) when running at 1500 RPM and has a total displacement of 52.3L. The engine rotates anticlockwise. The engine has been specifically designed to run at the Standby (ESP) power rating only. The Baudouin 16M33G1700/5 fuel consumption depends on its load. At 1500 rpm prime power it is has the following fuel consumption (percent of prime power): At 50% it uses 164.4 litres/hr. At 75% it uses 249.1 litres/hr. At 100% it uses 331.1 litres/hr. At Emergency Standby Power it uses 369.8 litres/hr.

    This Baudouin diesel engine has dimensions of 2609mm in length, 1542mm in width and 1746mm in height and a (dry) weight of 5200kg (all measurements including the radiator). The cylinders have a bore of 150mm and stroke of 185mm. This large engine can be used in a generator coupled with an alternator to create a high-powered generation unit which could be used in numerous industries. The engine is specifically designed to run at Standby (ESP) and is not for sustained utility paralleling applications.

  The contract specification to COELMO was as follows: 1st genset - BDT12M1250 Power: 1250 kVA Engine: 12M33G1250/5 Alternator: ECO43 VL4 

2nd genset - BDT16M1700 Power: 1600 kVA Engine: 16M33G1700/5 Alternator: ECO46 1L4A.

  * MECC ALTE - ECO43 VL4: The ECO43 range has many product features designed into the alternator. Self-regulation is obtained through a digital electronic regulator that is fed by an auxiliary winding. Mecc Alte guarantee an almost constant supply from the generator – under any possible operating condition. A rotating inductor is fitted with a damper cage. The windings have a 2/3 pitch in order to reduce the harmonic content of voltage. The entire series is manufactured according to, and complies with, the most common specifications such as CEI 2-3, IEC 34-1, EN 60034-1, VDE 0530, BS 4999-5000, CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No14-95- No100-95.

 * MECC ALTE - ECO46 1L4A: The ECO46 1L4 A is the median sized alternator from Mecc Alte's ECO46 range. The versatile alternator can be used for a variety of applications and it is able to produce a near constant supply of power at any of its operating conditions. The alternator uses an auxiliary wound excitation system as standard but the option of a PMG excitation system is also available. This alternator is currently made in UK, China and Italy. At 50 Hz, the prime power output is 2100 kVA and the standby power output is 2268 kVA. The power factor is 0.8. The windings have a 2/3 pitch which helps to reduce the harmonic content of the voltage. The protection rating of the alternator is IP23.  The alternator is manufactured to the production quality standard ISO 9001. This means that all production procedures are closely monitored and maintained to a high standard so a good quality alternator is consistently delivered.

  Today Mecc Alte is a global alternator supplier with over 1,200 employees, producing over 1,400 alternators a day across the world. As an alternator supplier, the company has proven expertise and experience in research, design, low-cost manufacturing and development capabilities. With manufacturing taking place in Italy, the UK, India and China, coupled with high market capabilities and a powerful worldwide capacity, Mecc Alte offers a fast and reliable alternator solutions service to our customers all over the world. www.meccalte.com

Oct 7, 2024
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