wo TCG2020V20 have been completed and are destined for installation in Ukraine where they will form the heart of a a new trigeneration power plant. This will provide an additional 4 MW of energy efficient generation for the nation’s grid.  The MWM TCG2020V20 gas engine offers the best electrical and thermal efficiency in its class, reports the manufacturer. The engine can use all gas types: natural gas, biogas, mine gas, landfill gas, and sewage gas as fuel and offers an output range from 1,000 to 2,000 kWel. Combined energy generation or the use of power and heat or cold enables energy savings of up to 60% compared to separate generation in power plants with additional boilers. Power generation is decentralised, i.e. generation takes place where power or heat is needed. In turn, the heat can be fed into a local or district heating network or be used for generating steam. As a holistic partner, MWM says it not only delivers cogeneration plants and gas engines with an excellent efficiency at attractive prices, but also provides competent advice and service for the development of integrated CHP plants and power plant concepts in order to exploit the entire value chain of decentralized energy generation. Combined heat and power plants with gas engine gensets can easily and inexpensively be integrated in existing plants, reports MWM.

Jan 7, 2023
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