he PowerEx Live Conference & Exhibition held on October 6th at the Plaza Hotel, Westminster, London, was very well-received by power professionals from the genset and CHP sectors and enjoyed two lively all-day Conference sessions. Despite the post-Covid environment, the problems of BREXIT and widespread fuel-shortages reported across the UK the visitor turnout was, nevertheless, good. Here are just a few of the comments received so far from visitors and participants:

*Peter Chan, Technical Sales Manager, Dürr Ltd, Clean Technology Systems:  

"Thank you for the extremely well-organised show last week.  Do you have a potential date for the 2022 show?  Thanks again."


* Tony Robinson, TVR:

“PowerEx Live was an excellent show with a good cross-section of visitors. People at the event were specifically interested in both gensets and componentry."


* Ian Wilcoxson Data Centre Channel Manager (EAME) for Kohler Power:

“Visitors to PowerEx Live certainly showed an interest in learning more about regulatory and technological changes in gensets - along with the issue of sizing and selecting standby generator sets, especially in the context of historic sizing norms.  This was a good show with a healthy level of visitor interest.”


* Jessica Keen, Director of Marketing & Strategy, Baudouin:

"Thank you for a good event last week, our table top was great and our team had some good discussions with the attendees, and of course it was great to be back at an industry event after 2 years."


* Paola Nardi, Marketing and Communication Coordinator, Soga SpA:

"Great event!! My colleagues were very thrilled, very well organized and positive business atmosphere. Congratulations to you and your team."
Oct 12, 2021
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