he International Clinic of Dakhla (Akdital Group) recently installed an HDW-460 T5 diesel generator set with DOOSAN engine, thus ensuring a reliable and continuous power supply for its activities. The Dakhla International Clinic is a modern health facility located in the city of Dakhla, strategically located and offering 113 hospital beds. It provides a wide range of high quality medical and surgical services. With a competent medical team and state-of-the-art equipment, the Dakhla International Clinic is a well-known health centre in the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region.
The HDW-460 T5 soundproof genset provided for the Dakhla Clinic is compliant with EC mark which includes the following directives:
• 2006/42/CE Machinery safety.
• 2014/30/UE Electromagnetic compatibility.
• 2014/35/UE electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
• 2000/14/EC Sound Power level. Noise emissions outdoor equipment. (amended by
• EN 12100, EN 13857, EN 60204
The genset offers:
Prime Power (PRP):
According to ISO 8528-1:2018, Prime power is the maximum power which a generating set is capable of delivering continuously whilst supplying a variable electrical load when operated for an unlimited number of hours per year under the agreed operating conditions with the maintenance intervals and procedures being carried out as prescribed by the manufacturer. The permissible average power output (Ppp) over 24 h of operation shall not exceed 70 % of the PRP.
Emergency Standby Power (ESP):
According to ISO 8528-1:2018, Emergency standby power is the maximum power available during a variable electrical power sequence, under the stated operating conditions, for which a generating set is capable of delivering in the event of a utility power outage or under test conditions for up to 200 h of operation per year with the maintenance intervals and procedures being carried out as prescribed by the manufacturers. The permissible average power output over 24 h of operation shall not exceed 70 % of the ESP Continuous Power (COP): According to Standard ISO 8528-1:2018, this is the maximum power available for continuous loads for unlimited running hours a year between the maintenance times recommended by the manufacturer under the environmental conditions established by the same. It offers "Class G2" performance according to the load impact test according to ISO 8528-5:2018